Ghost Busting & Attachment Removal
Removing unwanted ghosts by getting them to crossover. Clearing the home of dense energy and going over instructions for the homeowner. Attachments are things that can be on found on furniture, or anything that is decorative in nature to the house, clothing. They are usually items that have been purchased in estate sales, antique shops, even thrift shop type items. Attachments can act similar to ghost activity. Ghost busting & Attachment removal can take minimum of 2 1/2 hours. Call for prices or email
Space Clearing
Removing dense energy and going over instructions for the homeowner. Call for prices or email
Distance Property Space Clearing (30 Days)
Removing dense trauma energy from the property. Pictures of the property are required for the property healing. Distance healing energy will be sent to the property for 30 days. Emails or calls are done daily to gage the progress of the layers of energy being removed and determine the positive changes to the property. Call for prices or email.